
Stimulates Brain Functioning , Enhances Memory and boosts concentration.
Serving per container : 60 Capsules

Each Capsule contains

Brahmi Extract (Herpestis Monniera) Leaves 80 mg , Shankhpushpi Extract (Convolvulus Mycrophyillus) Plant 70 mg , Elaichi Chotti (Elattaria Cardamom ) Fruit 10 mg , Anjeer Extract ( Ficus Carica ) Fruits 40 mg , Jadwar Extract (Delphinium Dendatum ) Seed 40 mg , Anar Extract (Punica Grantum ) Fruits 40 mg , Malkanghini Extract (Celastrus Painculatus) Fruits 80 mg , Vacha Extract ( Acorus Calamus )Stem 30 mg ,Punarnava Extarct ( Boerhhavia Dissusa) Root 20 mg , Mulberry Extract ( Morus Indica ) Fruits 30 mg , Amla Extract ( Emblica Officinalis ) Dried fruits 30 mg , Ajwain Khurasni (Hyoscyamus Niger) Seed 30 mg Processed in extracts of : Noni , Brahmi , Shankhpushpi , Bhumi Amla

Processed in extracts of :
Noni , Brahmi , Shankhpushpi , Bhumi Amla ,

Suggested Use :
1 -2 Capsules once or twice daily with Lukewarm milk or water , or as directed by Health Consultant.

Dr Kooin Brain Nourish Capsules provides the much needed nourishment to the brain and acts as a valuable tonic for Brain and eye. It safeguards the system from ageing disorders , excess stress and strain. It promotes proper functioning of the neuro mascular area. It provides the much needed nourishment to stimulate the functioning of the brain , enhancing the capability to recall and boosts concentration levels.

Indications :
Low memory power ,
lack of concentration ,
poor eye sight ,
stress and strain due to ageing and other factors ,
poor mental stamina ,
low self confidence and consciousness.

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